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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Mystery Man

I remember staring at the walls;
Putting together, blank words;
Trying to feel, unfelt emotions;
And waiting for a sun in the night.

 And then you came,
 I felt my emotions in your voice;
 You brought out my sun,
 Yet for me you remain . . . .
    My Mystery Man

I remember watching the waves on my feet;
Trying to listen, unheard words;
I pictured a world of love;
Yet filled with tears of loneliness;

 And then you were there,
 Filling my night with love,
 With the moonlight on your face
 Yet for me you remain . . . .
     My Mystery Man

I wish I could get one more day,
To feel the depths of your love,
To feel the emotions play on your face,
Or to just tell you my love.

 And you just smiled,
 made me see depths,
 guided me in love,
 Yet for me you remain . . . .
     My Mystery Man

        © 2007 by Sunandha V.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Silent love

The moments of loving looks,
The moments of killing glances,
oh dear! could I forget those?
Few years of silent love . . . . . .
But few days of silent sleep . . . .
Could you part me dear?
Could anything seperate me from you?
Could those years of silent love be removed.
Make my life flourish,
Not with your thoughts; my love,
But with your presence.
Parting is never for hearts;
Let us continue with . . . .
With years of silent love;
How ever . . . . . . .
Everything cannot be attained in life.

© 2006 by Sunandha V.